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How Physical Therapy Helps Your Child Recover After Injury

How Physical Therapy Helps Your Child Recover After Injury

When your child sustains an injury as the result of an accident or sport, recovery can be difficult, depending on the severity of the trauma. While younger kids can bounce back from these events, it sometimes takes the aid of a professional to ensure they regain full mobility. Contrary to popular belief, physical therapy is for more than just adults needing assistance. Here’s how physical therapy helps your child recover after injury.

Teaches Exercises To Reduce Pain

One of the first benefits that physical therapy can provide your child is pain management. For particularly painful injuries, like muscle tears and fractures, the healing process can come with a lot of discomfort. Working with a physical therapist can provide your child with a series of exercises that they can practice at home. These tasks help relieve any stiffness and pain they experience and can get them on track to a proper and more efficient recovery.

Regains Muscle Strength and Dexterity

In sticking with physical therapy over the course of their injury, your child also regains any muscle strength and dexterity they may have lost due to their accident. The exercise regimen developed by a professional physical therapist can assist by providing just enough challenge to work the muscles and rebuild tissues. Dexterity is also subject to improvement with the same diligence.

Maximizes Mobility of the Injured Area

Even once a serious injury heals, mobility isn’t always the same. Because of this, physical therapy is valuable to getting your child back to their full range of motion. From playing sports to roughhousing with friends, the right regimen can ensure that your child can take on any activity their day throws at them.

Helps Prevent Reinjury

The most important way that physical therapy helps your child recover after an injury is in future prevention. Since physical therapy streamlines the process of building muscle and teaching patients how to correctly move their bodies, it’s much easier for them to avoid injury after the fact. Therefore, your child knows what it takes to stay active and when to stop before they injure themselves again.

You should take injuries sustained by children seriously, and at Therapydia, we strive to give every patient the thorough care they need. Our physical therapy clinics specialize in the pain management and rehabilitation of many severe injuries. Whether we’re working with an adult or child, we go the extra mile to meet every possible need for treatment. Contact us to learn more about how our staff can get you on the road to optimal well-being.

Jessica Jones

Physical Therapist

Jessica recently moved to Seattle from Boston, MA and is excited to join the Therapydia team. Her treatment experience includes orthopedics, sports medicine, pediatrics, and vestibular therapy. Jessica received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Northeastern University in Boston, MA in 2016. She has completed the Pediatric Physical Therapy Residency at Boston Children’s Hospital and is in the process of completing a Comprehensive Vestibular Rehabilitation certification. Jessica believes in empowering and inspiring patients to take control of their health through education, movement, and exercise. She enjoys treating patients of all ages and levels while utilizing soft tissue techniques, neuromuscular re-education, balance training as well as therapeutic exercise. In her free time, Jessica enjoys yoga, dancing, kayaking, and hiking with her dog!


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